- Rainbow - 80x65cm 2008 (Furano)

  This year I often went to a mountain stream for 1 hour by car from the season of verdant green till the beginning of autumn. I put the canvas on the hill where I could have a good view and I kept painting a rainbow. The composition was the rainbow falling on the left side. Actually I saw the rainbow a little further away, but I wanted to paint it there. It might be a pipe dream, but it was true that I wanted it on the left and the painting reflected on my heart. At the beginning I drew the rainbow with a lot of yellow which represents light. Each few seconds, I looked at the painting, then at the actual view. I repeated this. This is my normal way to paint. I noticed something interesting. I can see a light purple rainbow there. It was an optical illusion called complementary colour spectrum. I remembered the phrase that imagination creates truth.